Taking Over the Back Hill

Ice Plant
Iceplant - Tiffindell Magenta

My property is a hair over a third of an acre and very little of it is actually flat, but the back yard take sthe award for steepness as it goes up sharply about 20 feet behind the house. The grade is about 25% and mowing it is a chore we all dread, so the overall plan is to slowly cover the entire hill with things that don't require mowing. Near the top of the hill are a half dozen blue spruces, still under six foot tall, and about halfway down is a solitary grape vine that may someday manage to survive the mower. A bit lower down on the hill is the spot I've decided to tackle first with grondcovers, and yesterday, the battle was started with six iceplants. I know that this brightly colored succulents are considered a nuisance in some parts of the country, but here in central Maryland, they will be a welcome splash of color in my fight against the hill! Once they establish themselves a bit, I'll be taking some cuttings from these to make as many more as possible - the hill needs lots of help! Apparently, ice plants are easy to root so I'm eager to get started!