Soil Quality

Mostly this section concentrates on composting and other types of soil amendments.

Thoughts on Composting

For all but the first few years that I have lived in my house, I have had a composting bin in the back yard. Some years, it's done better than others, usually based on how careful I am to balance the mix of brown and green materials properly. Just for a reminder for myself and my readers, here's a breakdown of materials:


  • Veggie and fruit scraps
  • Tea - bags and loose
  • Grass clippings (fresh)
  • Weeds
  • Egg shells
  • Table scraps - no meat, dairy or bones


  • Dried leaves or grass
  • Wood Shavings and sawdust
  • Coffee grounds and filters
  • Twigs
  • Pine Needles
  • Wood ash (cold only)
  • Nut and shells
  • Shredded paper
  • Hay
  • Dryer lint and fabric scraps

Pest Control in Flight

Growing a garden without resorting to chemical pest control can be a bit of a challenge, but there are many methods that can be used successfully. Some of the more troublesome garden pests such as slugs and numerous types of beetles can be battled with chickens and ducks - they love to feed on the pests. But even if you don't have either of these two pest warriors, many other birds will be happy to feed on the pests. Robins and bluebirds in particular love to eat Japanese beetles, though many other common birds will also help rid your garden of many pests, so providing an environment that is attractive to birds is a great start to having a healthier garden pest. Due to living in a suburban development, chickens and ducks are out of the question for me, but we do have lots and lots of robins!